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Global Mission

Strategic Partners & Sent Missionaries
Our Strategy For Global Impact

We are committed to multiplying God's family over all of the earth.  We are also humble enough to know that we cannot do this alone.  Because of this practical reality and the Biblical mandate to build God's church "to the ends of the earth", we desire to focus our global disciplemaking efforts around the planting and strengthening of local churches.  This practically means that we seek to establish and strengthen strategic partnerships with local churches that can further the generational impact of discipleship in a given area.  We have made commitments to partner with a number of local churches around the world and also to send missionaries that will work in various ways to foster this vision.  With this conviction in place, we are also committed to raising up, training, equipping, sending and supporting our own sent missionaries who will work with local churches to see this mission move forward. 

Jonathan & Amelia Salas

Sent Missionaries
Church Planting Support Through Aviation

South America

Jonathan and Amelia met in aviation training school, both choosing to give their lives to pursue ministry among the unreached through aviation support.  They, along with their daughter Haddasah, are completing training as Pilot/Mechanics to serve the cause of church planting among the unreached people groups of South America.  We are privileged to be their sending church and commit to their ministry for as long as it requires.

Luke & Ellenie Hodgdon

Sent Missionaries
Church Planting
Papua New Guinea

Luke and Ellenie, along with their boys James and Noah, are part of the church planting team that has established the first church among the Konomala people of Papua New Guinea.  They are currently in PNG discipling the church, raising up leaders, and working to see the church mature and able to function on their own with indigenous leaders.  Our goal as their sending church is to empower their work and establish a strategic partnership with the Konomala Church for years to come. 

Siar Church

Strategic Partner Church
Papua New Guinea

The Siar Church was planted in 2012 through the efforts of a church planting team that was partially sent by HCC.  They have gone on to plant a church in another unreached people group in their province, and assist the church planting team in Konomala as they begun their work.   Today we are engaged in a strategic partnership to assist and encourage the Siar Church as they seek to grow in their local community and extend their impact to even further unreached areas.

Local Church*

Strategic Partner Church
South America

We are committed to a strategic partner church in a country in South America.  This partnership consists of financial, spiritual, and personal support for local outreach and church planting among the country's unreached people groups..
*Name withheld for security reasons

Get Involved

If you want to be more involved in our global mission efforts, there are a few easy steps that you can take.  
1) Join the Global Mission Messaging Group in the HCC app.  
2) Pray faithfully for our Global Missions partners.
3) Consider sacrificially giving above your regular giving and designating additional funds to the Global Mission Fund.  This can be done by check or by using the GIVE tab on the website or app.